July 10, 2008

a day in the life of Dr. Joel Evans

every patient gets the same couple jokes:
- something about sue being overbearing and a gossip.
- "against your better efforts, we're gonna let you keep these teeth."
- something sarcastic to let the patient know i am his daughter.
- a joke about how/why he makes up different names for his instruments.

every break he plays the same couple games:
- online scrabble.
- online games that are scrabble related: including games that require you to find words amongst letters.


jen. said...

haha! so true! oh dad. i wonder how allie and faria put up with him for so long.

Anonymous said...

Hey - Sue is not overbearing - she was just calling me 'Grandpa' all day long and I wanted her to stop.

I am proud that you were paying attention !!

aubrey hartman said...

new URL

manda said...

oh hey i read your blog too. it is like a younger version of me sometimes.