April 16, 2008

look! i still know how to blog!


Amanda said...

you know what, i just have one thing to say, and it is eff you emma. thanks alot.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA amanda. i got a shout out woot woot.

i am trisha deficient right now.

Amanda said...

shut up.

aubrey hartman said...

i can't watch the video here at work so i can only imagine that emma was trash talking amanda and saying something very mean that make amanda so mad that she would use that harsh language to a TWO YEAR OLD. hahahaha amanda.

Trisha said...

you know i had one where she actually said all of your names really well [including you amanda] but then i looked a craaaaaap load worse so i didn't use it.

jen. said...

i'm disappointed as well. no.. no thanks i don't need my little sister to say hi and she misses me. in fact i don't need either of them to.

Amanda said...

i need them to. hence my anger. so i'll just be sitting here, waiting for a personalized message from that little baby.

aubrey hartman said...

i finally got to watch that and if that wasn't the cutest thing ever i don't know what is!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol this video has caused an uproar!