April 04, 2008

love's a game

my parents are here now. i've been living each day one at a time waiting for them to get here. and now they are here and i don't know what to make my next checkpoint. when they leave? when i leave? i would make it for when i leave but i have no idea when that will be. i wish i had a specific day but everything is just so up in the air right now.

blah blahblah.

i like having friends that i just only know online. hahaha. it feels kinda creepy but also kinda new age and hip.

i'm so new age and hip! HAH.

in other news, i'm freezing to death in my own house! brrrrr.


Molly said...

were so new aged and hip:) next thing you know we will be scientologists and coke addicts:)

Kelsey said...

thanks for your last name....
you shouldn't leave provo in spring and summer is AMAZING. Nothing compares....
But considering the fact that i've never been to Virginia.....