December 23, 2007

this is for yes

so since i don't know who "yes" is, i have been imagining all day the people it could be:

the boy that i wish would read my blog and interpret everything precisely the right way. so he knows that almost every post was about him and he doesn't even mind. but i've never told him about my blog, he just found it and reads it religiously. but even though he interprets everything to be exactly how it is, he's not sure. so he continues to leave things the way they are for fear that what he thinks is true is completely imagined.

my dad used to read my livejournal. so what is stopping him from finding my blog and reading that too?

secret admirer that reads my blog daily in hopes that i mention him.

random blogger that somehow came across my blog and for some reason thinks it is interesting.

even if you're none of those things, i would still like to know who you are.

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