December 10, 2007

face yoga

a special thanks to TIME magazine for making it possible for women everywhere to exercise their face as much as the rest of their bodies.

the marilyn monroe- repeated blowing kisses like a starlet makes for stronger lips and a firmer pout.

the lion- work on all the facial muscles by squinching up your face as tight as you can and then releasing it.

the buddha- a subtle relaxation pose to release unconscious facial clenching or tightening.

free your tongue- the tongue needs to be stretched and toned. any tingling means the pose is working.

satchmo- puffing your cheeks as though you were about to blow a trumpet will keep them supple.

temple dancer eyes- by darting your eyes in different directions, you can erase crows feet.

surprise me!- widening your eyes while keeping your forehead steady is a great brow smoother.

baby bird- to help firm the cheeks, chin and neck, this pose is an antidote to pesky jowls.

bumblebees- lip vibrations tone the mouth area and cheeks while helping to release jaw tension.

1 comment:

g.lock said...

thank you for that, what helpful information.. you should of seen me reading those, i caught myself mimicking such movements in the library. next thing i knew, people were eyeing me from all directions.