February 05, 2008

all i really have to offer.

my mom called today. we talked some more about my grandpa. we talked some more about funeral arrangements. we talked some more about flying arrangements. we avoided some more the topic of not speaking for a month. we avoided some more the topic of why she was even mad. we continued to act as if all the times we've ever been mad don't exist. and then i told her i loved her, bye. and she said bye. and then i waited like 5 seconds... and she thought i hung up. and then she said she loved me too, bye. all nice and soft. and i hung up quick like and screamed out of pure joy. all of my deepest suspicions confirmed! she loves me! and i love her. and we love each other and do i need anything else in my life? probably. but for now, i am satisfied and content and happy.

1 comment:

jen. said...

i'm so happy that you and mom love each other again. its so awkward to talk to her when i know how she's treating you, and she doesn't even think its her fault. i'm glad that you are so forgiving this post makes me want to be good like you.