i'm watching americas funniest home videos right now. a man just had to saw apart his la-z-boy chair because his son's head got stuck in it. he looked like adam sandler. maybe it was him. i don't care how many of these are set up. they are still HILarious.
i love the plan of salvation and knowing that my gramps is in a much better place, out of pain, and i can be with him again. amanda and i think that gramps and president hinckley are mission companions in the spirit world and they are teaching amanda's grandmother. they are just having a party up there! what fun! i stole the pic from jen because i think it perfectly portrays my grandfather.
and, as i always like to look for the silver lining: i talked to my mom today! i told her i love her! she told me to take care! so what if she only called to inform me of my grandfather's passing? its a start, no? i really do love her. even though i get mad when i hang up and she doesn't say she loves me and i call her a dumb ho. its just because i need her to tell me she loves me for me to know. we have completely different ways of showing and feeling love i think. i like to hear and feel it with hugs and words of confirmation. she likes to see it through caring actions and service. neither are bad. just different. i think its good for me to understand this. i can't wait to tell my therapist and see if he agrees!
mission companions of course! its so right. "the silver lining" is a beautiful phrase. i think one of the most beautiful in the english language. phonetically, and also what it connotes. i love this positive post from you. you are my best friend.
i agree with you, this picture does perfectly portray grandpa. and also, i'm glad that you stole it. because i took it. and also because it gives me the warm fuzzies to know that you read my blog.
sorry to hear about gramps.
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